Purple Hop Bush – Dodonaea Viscosa

10.0 AED25.0 AED

Botanical name:- Purple Hop – Dodonaea Viscosa.

  • 30cm-40cm
  • 50cm-70cm
SKU: purple-hop-dodonaea-viscosa Categories: , , ,


Scientific name

Dodonaea viscosa

Common nameDodonaea viscosa
Temperature requirement25-35c
LightFull sun or light shade.
WateringWater everyday & keep moist
Pet friendlinessNot hazardous
Maximum Plant heightUp to 450 cm
Potting mixPotting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirementGood drainage & repot every 1-2 years
NutritionApply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning/trainingRemove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
DescriptionThis medium to tall shrub occurs with many foliage variations throughout the tropics and is also widespread in uae, where it is often seen on the edge of wadis as an erect shrub with its bright foliage. Its arabic name is shath. Not grazed by animals, its leaves have medicinal properties for treating rheumatism and wounds. The lush green creates an accent in an arid landscape, as a contrast to grey leaved plants. The bronze purple leafed variety ‘purpurea’ from australia is also attractive with an intense, rich colour in winter. Unfortunately, it can be less hardy to frost in gulf regions than the green leafed species. The insignificant, small flowers without petals are borne in racemes after spring rains, and also throughout the year. The pollen has a strong odour at a close distance. Pinkish fruits are attractive in the autumn. Dodonaea is a versatile shrub that is often irregular in shape. It can, however, be planted in formal gardens and clipped as a hedge or into geometrical shapes. At the same time, as a xerophyte, it is also drought resistant and at home in a desert situation, where it evokes the atmosphere of a wadi bed, when planted in run off channels. Best in full sun, it will tolerate shade, but it does have the disadvantage that its greedy lateral and deep roots will take the water from other plants nearby. Overwatering should be avoided.


Additional information

Choose Height

30cm-40cm, 50cm-70cm


Purple Hop Bush - Dodonaea Viscosa

10.0 AED25.0 AED

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