Night Blooming Jasmine – Night Queen

35.0 AED45.0 AED

Botanical name:- Night Blooming Jasmine – Cestrum Nocturnum.

  • 40-60cm
  • 60cm-80cm
SKU: night-blooming-jasmine-cestrum-nocturnum Categories: ,
Scientific name Aestrum nocturnum
Common nameNight blooming jasmine
Temperature requirement25-35°c
LightDirect sunlight.
WateringWater everyday &keep moist
PestsAphids, caterpillars, whiteflies, scales, and mites
Pet friendlinessToxic to pets and humans
Maximum plant height150-300cm
Potting mixPotting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirementGood drainage&repot every 1-2 years
NutritionApply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & trainingRemove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Flower color & seasonPastel white, pale yellow
DescriptionThis medium-sized shrub is native to the west indies and tropical America, and grows to about 3 meters high into a round shape. Night jessamine, or malikat al lail in Arabic, is often planted in gulf region gardens and has a very pronounced sweet, heavy fragrance after sunset which attracts moths. Shrubs may be cut back hard after flowering. Shearing is possible to create hedges or any form desired. Evergreen, oval-shaped, waxy leaves are up to 20 cm long and 4 cm wide, and are sensitive to frost. Clusters of pale-cream, tubular flowers are borne from spring until october. Their appearance is inconspicuous, but they are famous for their sweet scent. Opening in the evening, the released fragrance may even e too strong for a permanent position next to seating areas. Pollinated flowers develop into whitish berries. The poisonous seeds cause vomiting and feverish symptoms, and the sap may also irritate the skin. The shrubs withstand some drought, alkaline soil and even salinity, but reduce flowering under such conditions. Heat and sun are tolerated and frequent irrigation is welcome in well-drained soil. They respond well to fertili sing. Container plants do best with weekly liquid applications, while in open ground complete fertilisers should be given in early spring and again in summer. Scale and mites can occasionally infect the shrubs. Night jessamine does well in containers, mixed borders or as poolside plants. Propagation via heel cuttings and seeds is simple and self-sowing may result in naturalisation in humid climates.

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40-60cm, 60cm-80cm

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Night Blooming Jasmine - Night Queen

35.0 AED45.0 AED

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