Ehretia ball plant

110.0 AED435.0 AED

Botanical name:- Ehretia microphylla or carmona retusa.

SKU: ehretia-ball-plant Categories: , ,
Scientific nameEhretia microphylla/ carmona retusa
Common name
Ehretia ball plant
Temperature requirement25c-35c
LightFull sunlight to partial shade
WateringKeep well watered, reducing watering only slightly in winter
PestsAphids, scale, mealy-bugs, snails. Red spider mites
Pet friendlinessToxic to pets and humans
Maximum Plant heightUp to 9m
Potting mixPotting soil/coco peat/perlite/moss
Pot requirementGood drainage & repot every 1-2 years
NutritionApply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning/trainingRemove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
DescriptionA very small genus of tropical tree which was once referred to (and still often listed as) carmona. Ehretia ball can be grown outdoors in warm climates, but is quite popular as an indoor bonsai. The leaves on this tree are small, shiny, and dark green, covered with tiny hairs. Together, the leaves form a dense and compact appearance. Ehretia ball tree has small white flowers that can bloom at any time. The flowers turn into red berries that turn darker with age. Trained in the traditional curved trunk style. Likes a bright position (1000 lux). Most sources recommend only about an hour of direct sunlight daily, although success has been reported growing it in a sunny position all day. Keep well watered, reducing watering only slightly in winter. Never allow ehretia to stand in water, or allow the soil to dry out completely. Prune new shoots after six to eight leaves have appeared. The leaves are tiny enough that leaf pruning should not be necessary. Can be wired any time during the growing season, but it is generally styled through pruning alone. Wire should not be left on over three months. Its small leaves and fine branch ramification make it ideal for miniature bonsai.Propagation can be done by by seed or softwood cuttings .

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Ehretia ball

Ehretia ball plant

110.0 AED435.0 AED

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