Phoenix roebelenii

135.0 AED850.0 AED

Botanical name:- Phoenix roebelenii

  • 60cm-80cm
  • 90cm-100cm
  • 120cm-150cm
  • 180cm-200cm
  • 200cm-250cm
SKU: phoenix-roebelenii Categories: ,
Scientific name Phoenix roebelenii
Common name Dwarf date palm, pygmy date palm, miniature date palm, robellini palm
Temperature requirement 25-35 °C
Humidity 40-50%
Light Bright, indirect light to partial shade.
Watering Water everyday &keep moist
Pests Mealybugs, scales, weevils, and caterpillars.
Pet friendliness Not hazardous
Maximum plant height 2-5 m
Potting mix Potting soil / Red soil / Manure / Perlite
Pot requirement Good drainage&repot every 1-2 years
Nutrition Apply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & training Remove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Fower colour & season
Description The pygmy date palm, native to southeast asia, is one of the most commonly used kinds of dwarf palms. A very long-lived, slow-growing slender tree up to 3 metres tall, this palm likes partial shade to full sun; morning sun is recommended. It has a dense crown of leaves that are 60–120 cm long, and pinnate with some 100 leaflets. Each leaflet is 15–25 cm long and 1 cm across, slightly drooping, and bright green in colour with scurfy pubescence below; the thorns at the base of the frond are very sharp. The flowers are small and yellowish: the fruit is a 1-cm drupe, resembling a small, thin fleshed date. In nature, the trees are usually single trunked, in cultivation multiple trunks are often produced. Very frost-tolerant for short periods of time, they are also drought and saltwater tolerant. They like a fertile, well-drained soil with moderate moisture levels and respond well to regular applications of fertiliser. The trees adapt to most soils and tolerate water logging, clay, loam or sandy soils, low in nutrients. Regular irrigation is required. Propagation is by seed or division. The pygmy date palm is generally pest and disease free. It requires little pruning to develop a strong structure; old and dead fronds should be trimmed below the spines. Graceful in appearance, p. Roebelenii is a popular ornamental plant which looks well by poolsides, on patios, in shopping malls and office entrances, and is a perfect container plant.

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Choose Height

60cm-80cm, 90cm-100cm, 120cm-150cm, 180cm-200cm, 200cm-250cm

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Phoenix roebelenii

135.0 AED850.0 AED

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