
75.0 AED85.0 AED (-12%)

Botanical name:- Citrofortunella Microcarpa

  • 50cm-70cm
Scientific name Citrus madurensis, citrus mitis, citrus microcarpa, x citrofortunella mitis, x citrofortunella microcarpa
Common name Calamansi microcarpa tree
Temperature requirement 25-35 °C
Humidity 40-50%
Light Bright and direct light.
Watering Water everyday &keep moist
Pests Scale insects and citrus rust mites.
Pet friendliness Toxic to pets
Maximum plant height 3-7 m
Potting mix Potting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirement Good drainage&repot every 1-2 years
Nutrition Apply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & training Remove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season
Description Citrus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the rue family rutaceae. It is the latin term for citron or conifer tree. It is also akin to kédros, the ancient greek word for cedar.The species name microcarpa, on the other hand is derived from the ancient greek words mikros which means “small” and karpos which means “fruit”..Grows well in dry semi arid climates producing good quality fruits. It can tolerate occasional light frosts. Optimum temperature range is 16-20°Cwithin a range of 17-40°C. Annual rainfall of 500-775mm is optimum. Sweet orange can be grown in any well drained soils, sandy or clay loams are preferable.

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75.0 AED85.0 AED (-12%)

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