Cactus San Pedro

590.0 AED2,220.0 AED

Botanical name:- Echinopsis pachanoi.

  • 90cm -100cm single stem
  • 140cm -160cm single stem
  • 100cm - 120cm Three stem
  • 120cm - 140cm Three stem
  • 150cm - 180cm Three stem
SKU: cactus-san-pedro Categories: ,
Scientific nameEchinopsis pachanoi
NameCactus San Pedro
WateringOnce per week and keep moist
PestsSpider mites, mealybugs, scale and thrips
Pet friendlinessToxic to pets and humans
LightBright, indirect light
Temperature18-24 °C
Humidity50-60% mist if needed
Pot requirementGood drainage and repot every 1-2 years
Plant height 2-4 m
Potting mixPotting soil / Red soil / Manure / Perlite
NutritionApply manure once in fortnight and NPK in next fortnight
Pruning & trainingRemove dead and diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & seasonN/a
DescriptionCommonly know as San Pedro. Grows in rocky, well-drained soil along the entire length of the Andes mountains, stretching from Argentina to Ecuador. A high altitude native (6000-9000 feet), this plant thrives in cold climates down to 15 degrees F. We love Echinopsis pachanoi for its ornamental uses in the garden. As a sturdy vertical design element it’s second to none, able to fit into tight spaces and growing 10-20 feet tall. A single stem will pup and branch, creating a staggered clump of fast-growing spires with a well-balanced form. Unlike other columnar cactus, San Pedro is relatively unspined, increasing its usefulness around patios and walkways, in pots and even indoors in a sunny spot.


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90cm -100cm single stem, 140cm -160cm single stem, 100cm – 120cm Three stem, 120cm – 140cm Three stem, 150cm – 180cm Three stem

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Cactus San Pedro

Cactus San Pedro

590.0 AED2,220.0 AED

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