Damas tree

10.0 AED120.0 AED

Botanical name:- Damas tree, Conocarpus lancifolius.

  • 1M-1.2M
  • 1.5M-2M
  • 2.5M-3M
  • 3m-4m
SKU: damas-tree-conocarpus-lancifolius Categories: , , ,
Scientific name Conocarpus lancifolius
Common name
Damas tree
Temperature 25-35 °C
Humidity 40-50%
Light Full sun, and partial shade
Watering Water everyday &keep moist
Pests Mealy bug
Pet friendliness Toxic to pets and humans
Maximum plant height  20 m
Potting mix Potting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirement Good drainage & repot every 1-2 years
Nutrition Apply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & training Remove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season
Description There is some confusion about the botanical name of this less common relative of c. Erectus, and it has also been referred to as c. Lanceolatus, c. Latifolia and anogeissus latifolius. C. Lancifolius has a more open habit than c. Erectus, and its leaves are longer, narrower and grey, rather than lush green. Native to coastal and riverine areas of eastern africa and yemen, Damas tree is to be found all over the arabian peninsula. The smell of the fluffy yellow green flowers in spring and autumn is unpleasant to some people, especially at night time, in winter and when damp after rainfall. The tree’s wood is dense and suitable for charcoal: goats browse on the young leaves. It is highly salt and drought tolerant, and planted in afforestation projects. The c. Lancifolius tree also plays a role in remediating heavy metal and oil-contaminated soil. It makes an attractive specimen tree and has all of the properties attributed to c. Erectus. Silver buttonwood (c. Erectus var. Sericeus) is a variety that usually grows as a low branching shrub; under ideal conditions, Damas tree will become an attractive tree up to 20 m tall with a spread of 6 metres. The evergreen leaves are oblong to lance shaped, up to 10 cm long and covered with silky hairs, which gives a beautiful silver grey colour which sparkles in the sun. It has great ornamental value.

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10.0 AED120.0 AED

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