Variegated Caribbean Agave

55.0 AED85.0 AED

Botanical name:-  Agave angustifolia.

  • 30cm-40cm
  • 40cm-50cm
SKU: variegated-caribbean-agave Categories: ,
Scientific name Agave angustifolia
Common name
Variegated Caribbean Agave
Temperature requirement 25-35 C
Humidity 40-60%
Light Agave plants prefer a spot with full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days
Watering once every two to three days
Pests mealybugs and whiteflies.
Pet friendliness Toxic to pets and humans
Maximum plant height 50-90cm
Potting mix potting soil/Red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirement Good drainage & repot every 1-2 years
Nutrition Apply Manure for first 15 days and NPK for next 15 days
Pruning & training Remove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season
Description This Variegated Caribbean Agave is the right choice for locations that are limited in size. It is easier to manage than
its larger relatives. The stiff, lanceolate foliage is armed with terminal spines and features cream coloured edges with small serrations Leaves grow to some 50 cm length and about 10 cm width. Like other species, the Variegated Caribbean Agave may take many years to flower. This event only occurs once, and the rosette dies back entirely when a flower stalk of some 2.5 metres shoots up. Single flowers are borne in greenish-yellow and are 5 cm in length. Seedlings usually do not show any variegation, so that plants are generally propagated by suckers that are grown in
abundance. This Variegated Caribbean Agave grows in full sun and, it is drought resistant. It does best in well-drained soil with occasional watering, and other soils should be allowed to dry between water applications but before the plants start to wilt. It is well suited to containers and lasts for years in rootbound
conditions. On the other hand, plants are vulnerable to stagnant water, especially when associated with low temperatures. Hard frost is not tolerated and immediately results in wilted leaves that do not recover. Plants are rarely infested by diseases or pests, but in adverse conditions they may
be afflicted by scale. Variegated Caribbean Agaves look highly impressive in pots or containers and make valuable accent plants in smaller rock gardens or in any situation where greening must tolerate some neglect. Attractive specimens may be seen in the Diplomatic Quarter.

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Variegated Caribbean Agave-Agave angustifolia

Variegated Caribbean Agave

55.0 AED85.0 AED

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