
Money Plant – Holland

50.0 AED200.0 AED

Botanical name:- Epipremnum aureum.

  • 30-40cm
  • 50-60cm
  • 80-100cm
  • 100-120cm
  • 120-150cm
Scientific name Epipremnum aureum
Name Money plant
Watering Once per week and keep moist
Pests Aphids and mealy bugs.
Pet friendliness Not hazardous
Light Bright indirect light
Temperature 18-24 °C
Humidity 50-60% mist if needed
Pot requirement Good drainage and repot every 1-2 years
Plant height Up to 240 cm
Potting mix Potting soil / Red soil / Manure / Perlite
Nutrition Apply Manure once in fortnight and NPK in next fortnight
Pruning & training Remove dead and diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season N/a
Description Money plant (epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is grown indoors mostly in water. It is believed that having a money plant at home brings benefits such as good luck, happiness, wealth and prosperity. Money plant is also known by many other names such as golden pothos, silver vine, devil’s vine, devil’s ivy, solomon islands ivy, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, taro vine, feng shui money plant.A money plant has large heart-shaped leaves with a leathery and shiny surface.Money plant can grow in both direct and indirect sun light. However, too much direct sun light can turn the leaves yellow and even burn them.Money plant is very easy to propagate. The money plant is easily grown from a cutting. It can be grown in both soil and water.Money plants prefer well-drained soil. You can choose potting soil having high pearlite content, or you can grow your plant well in a mixture of river sand and normal potting soil.If you do not prune your money plant, it will grow very long. To maintain the size of your money plant, carefully prune the plant each year so that it stays low to the trunk with a compact look. You can propagate money plants easily by the cuttings and that too, with a very high success rate. All you are required to do is to take a stem cutting, which is 3-6 inches long, and plant it in a potting medium or place it in water.

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Money Plant - Holland

50.0 AED200.0 AED

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