Neem tree

30.0 AED185.0 AED

Botanical name:- Azadirachta indica.

  • 1M-1.2M
  • 1.2M-1.5M
  • 2M-2.5M
  • 2.5M-3M
SKU: neem-tree-azadirachta-indica Categories: , ,
Scientific name Azadirachta indica
Common name
Neem tree
Temperature 25-35 °C
Humidity 40-50%
Light Full sun
Watering Water everyday & keep moist
Pests Aphids, leafhoppers, psyllids, whiteflies, scale insects
Pet friendliness Not hazardous
Maximum plant height Up to 15 m
Potting mix Potting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirement Good drainage & repot every 1-2 years
Nutrition Apply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & training Remove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season Green
Description The neem tree belongs to the mahogany family. Neem tree originates from myanmar, but was dispersed to many tropical countries. Usually, it grows to about 15 metres in height and 10 metres diameter. Neem tree bark is deeply fissured and dark grey in colour. Alternate leaves are pinnate, up to 40 cm long and light green; leaflets are ovate with a serrated margin. In mild winters, they may last until spring, but generally this tree sheds its foliage in gulf region’s climate. White or pale-yellow flowers appear in spring and are slightly fragrant. Self-incompatibility hinders isolated trees to grow fruit. They may develop into round drupes that turn yellow or purple when ripe. Fruits are eaten raw or processed. Birds eat them and in this way may disperse the seeds. The tree has achieved an almost pan-tropical distribution owing to its adaptability on the one hand and its various qualities on the other. Mature neems tolerate some frost and tolerate full sun. Any soil is tolerated, unless it is waterlogged. Neem trees are used to control erosion and to fix dunes. They are easily raised from seeds after the pulp has been washed off. Vegetative propagation is possible, such as by hardwood cuttings. Branches are easily reproduced after hard pruning. The rough wood repels insects, and resists even termites. Neem glue and neem tea are therefore ideal replacements for insecticides. Neem oil is extracted from the kernels

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30.0 AED185.0 AED

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