Pomelo Tree

195.0 AED640.0 AED

Botanical name:- Citrus Maxima

  • 1.5M-1.8M
  • 2M-2.5M
SKU: pomelo-tree-citrus-maxima Categories: , ,
Scientific nameCitrus maxima
Common namePomelo tree
Temperature requirement25-35 °C
LightFull sunlight
WateringWater everyday &keep moist
PestsWhiteflies, rust mites, mealybugs, aphids, and scale.
Pet friendlinessToxic to pets
Maximum plant height500-1500 cm
Potting mixPotting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirementGood drainage&repot every 1-2 years
NutritionApply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & trainingRemove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season
DescriptionThe pumelo tree itself has a compact, low canopy somewhat rounded or umbrella in shape, with evergreen foliage. The leaves are ovate, glossy, and medium green, while spring flowers are showy, aromatic, and white.In fact, the flowers are so fragrant the scent is used in some perfumes. The resulting fruit is borne off the tree in winter, spring, or summer, depending upon the climate.Pomelo trees can be grown from seed, but bring your patience as the tree will likely not fruit for at least eight years. They can be air layered or grafted onto existing citrus rootstock as well. As with all citrus trees, pummelo trees enjoy full sun, especially hot, rainy climates.

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1.5M-1.8M, 2M-2.5M

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195.0 AED640.0 AED

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