Coconut Tree – Thailand

90.0 AED

Botanical name:- Cocos nucifera.

  • 80cm-100cm
SKU: coconut-tree Categories: ,
Scientific nameCocos nucifera
Common nameCoconut tree – thailand
Temperature requirement27-32 °C
LightFull sunlight
WateringWater everyday &keep moist
PestsRhinoceros beetle,red palm weevil,black headed caterpillar,
coconut eriophyid mite,
Pet friendlinessNot hazardous
Maximum plant height15-25 m
Potting mixPotting soil/red soil/manure/perlite
Pot requirementGood drainage&repot every 1-2 years
NutritionApply manure for first 15 days and npk for next 15 days
Pruning & trainingRemove dead & diseased leaves with sterile shears
Common color & season
DescriptionCoco -spanish word meaning monkey face (probably refers to the three scars on the base of the shell resembling two eyes and a nose of monkey face). :Coconut is a tropical palm preferring humid tropical climate. However, coconut is highly adaptable and performs well under a wide range of environmental conditions of climate, altitude and soil.Optimum temperature for growth is 27 to 32 º c , mean annual temperature of 27 º c with a diurnal (hagalina or pratidinada) variations of 6 to 7 ºc is ideal.It requires 7.1Hrs. Of sunshine per day;; 2000 hrs or mor e per year.Palms under shade will be lean, lanky and unproductive.Coconut likes tropical humid climate and 80 to90 per cent relative humidity (rh) is ideal. Rh below 60 per cent affects the growth. At a rh of less than 50 per cent opening of stomata will be affected.

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Coconut Tree – Thailand